beluga x Henkel @ p&a print magazine

Read the full article at page 52:

Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, gemeinsam mit unserem Kunden Henkel in der brandneuen planung&analyse vorgestellt zu werden. Beluga-Gründer Edwin Strauss spricht gemeinsam mit Nico Reichert und Lisa Nienhaus von Henkel CMI über unsere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit und Innovationsreise.
Nutzerzentriertes Design mit Henkel:
Von der Exploration über die Ideenfindung und Transformation bis hin zur Optimierung zielt das "InnoLab" darauf ab, nutzerzentrierte Produktkonzepte über verschiedene FMCG-Kategorien hinweg zu entwickeln. Den Verbrauchern kommt dabei eine besondere Rolle zu, da sie von Beginn an in den Innovationsprozess einbezogen werden. In den letzten drei Jahren sind aus den mehr als 30 InnoLabs mehr als 1.800 Ideen, 500 Grobkonzepte und über 240 verfeinerte Produktkonzepte hervorgegangen.

beluga x Henkel Consumer Brands

We are very proud to be part of the journey to bring these products to life. Thank you for a successful year and the great collaboration and partnership with Henkel Consumer Brands. We wish you happy holidays and a fantastic New Year! 🎄 🙌

beluga at the p&a Insights conference 23 in Frankfurt

Throughout these two days, beluga engaged in lively exchanges, offering diverse perspectives on issues that currently define the landscape of market research and innovation. These interactions not only fostered a deeper understanding of the general industry challenges but also paved the way for collaborative solutions.

As the curtains fell on this insightful event, we left with a wealth of new ideas, strengthened connections, and a renewed commitment to keep up with implementing new tools and progressive methods while fostering our awareness of the global societal challenges ahead of us.

The experience at #planunganalyseInsights in Frankfurt serves as a reminder that in the fast-paced world of business, staying connected and engaged in meaningful conversations is key to innovation and growth.

Market Research Dirty Talk

aus dirty talk
wird real talk

Aus DirtyTalk wird RealTalk!
Wir wollen eine Plattform für Inspiration und Aufklärung in der Welt der Insights, Brand Strategy und Innovation erschaffen. Gemeinsam wollen wir den Zusammenhalt in der Community stärken und den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen unseren Kund:Innen und Kolleg:Innen fördern.
Wir laden dich zu unserer insightsXchange therapy ein, um uns gemeinsam neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen, innovative Wege zu erschließen und nachhaltige Lösungen zu entwickeln.

Teile deinen besten #marketresearchdirtytalk auf unserer Wall auf LinkedIn und gewinne eine kostenlose Workshop-Teilnahme  zu aktuellen Trends im Bereich Insights und Innovation in Berlin!

The making of the new "Gliss Night Elixier"


We are proud to announce the great success of a brand new product which has accelerated the growth of Gliss as the hair care leader in Germany.
The original concept for “Gliss Night Elixier” was developed during one of our “InnoLab” innovation sprints we conducted for Henkel.

Integrated Innovation Design - Making of:
On the one hand, we leverage Henkel’s leading expertise in product development to create a solid base for new benefits and high-performing formulas.
On the other hand, consumer-centric innovation provides valuable insights into customers’ needs, behaviors, and preferences. By conducting market research, analyzing data and gathering direct customer feedback, we understand what users want and need from their products.
Our agile collaboration approach enables brand teams to develop products that meet the needs of their users but also align with their brand strategy. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business success.


Welcome to our team Luisa!

Say hello to Luisa Lohmann - our new innovation consultant!

Luisa has extensive experience in innovation, brand consulting and co-creation. Her strength lies in balancing efficiency and attention to detail while leaving room for creativity and innovation. She is a dedicated team player who loves to explore new ideas and is always looking to add a creative touch to her work.

I’ve already worked with beluga on many projects and I’m excited to join them and become part of their team.
— Luisa

Outside of work, she loves getting out on the streets of Berlin to explore the city's unique culture, attending art exhibitions, and concerts or simply taking long walks through different neighborhoods to soak up the atmosphere and gain new insights, always on the lookout for new inspiration.

“beluga gives me the perfect opportunity to combine my passion for brand strategy with trend analysis to innovate and create new solutions for businesses.”

Public Face @Datenlabor

Die Erhebung und Nutzung valider Daten spielt eine große Rolle in unserer täglichen Arbeit bei beluga.

Es ist wichtig sich ständig aktiv mit den wachsenden Möglichkeiten und Gefahren dieses Potentials zu beschäftigen. Das Thema ist um Vielfaches akuter und vielschichtiger als die aufgelegten Debatten rund um diverse KI Content-Generatoren.

Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, dass unsere Arbeit #Publicface (mit Julius von Bismarck und Benjamin Maus) im Rahmen des #Datenlabor des Museum für Werte von meinem Kollegen Benjamin Maus vorgestellt werden durfte.
Unsere Arbeit beschäftigte sich bereits vor 10 Jahren sehr illustrativ mit dem Thema "Meta-Daten" - deren Gefahren und Potentiale.

Zuletzt war unsere Skulptur "Public Face" (ein gigantischer kinetischer Smiley aus Stahl) für mehr als 1 Jahr nahe der Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg ausgestellt und spiegelte im Minutentakt die Durchschnitts-Stimmung der Hafen-City Citizens. ;D

Quelle Hamburger Abendblatt:

Initiative Zukunft Hausarzt

Die Verträge zur Hausarztzentrierten Versorgung (HZV) gelten als größte Innovation für Hausärzte und ihre Patienten in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, an der Optimierung der HZV-Services im Rahmen der mitzuwirken. Durch vielschichtige Insights, interdisziplinäre Co-Creation Sessions und interaktive Online-Formate entstehen neue Lösungen für die sichere und nachhaltige Hausarztversorgung von morgen.

The magic ingredient for successful innovation

Together with Henkel’s New Business unit, we explored new fields of opportunities for product concepts and value propositions as future playgrounds for purposeful growth at Henkel.
This is how we combined proven ingredients to link strategic business priorities with real user needs by fostering creative collaboration as a diverse team:

  • Validated insights

  • Inspiring trends and foresight

  • Tangible user immersions, brought to life by high-end video portraits and interactive formats that depict daily routines and specific socio-cultural environments

  • Iterative workshop sessions with interdisciplinary teams

In times of digital collaboration and time pressure one magic ingredient is often neglected:
A “safe” environment with positive energy, driven by a diverse team of progressive minds. It is no secret that psychological well-being and team spirit support creative thinking. It is important to design innovation sprints in a way that there is always enough space to connect on a human level. Every participant must feel comfortable to openly share every thought without being afraid of making a mistake, or even sensing social pressure within a group. Any creative method is only as successful as the group spirit within the team.

Pioneers in Styling

People-centric design at Henkel: Taft goes all the way by actively integrating users, hair styling professionals and sustainability experts to challenge the status quo and look far beyond category conventions.

We are honored to collaborate with brand teams who walk the talk and constantly seek progressive ways of innovation. Collaborative mindsets, agility and dedication, are key factors in making a change.

Thanks for your trust and the inspiring collaboration Taft and Henkel CMI!

The Next Stage of hair care, styling and coloration with Syoss

Co-creating the next stage of hair care, styling and coloration with Syoss
We partnered with Syoss/Henkel to host an online co-creation journey to identify new fields of opportunity and consumer-centric brand strategies.
The creative process was based on solid insights and accelerated by inspiring presentations, a hair-expert panel and mutual feedback to benefit from the various knowledge and viewpoints. An integrated consumer jury gave instant input via online surveys and live interaction sessions.
Together with the brand team and Henkel CMI, we hosted a diverse group of co-creators, consisting of internal experts from various categories, external challengers and actual users from different countries.
Thank you for the trust and the great collaboration!

Video: People centric innovation for sebamed

People centric design for  Sebamed:

Over more than 4 months We have analysed specific aspects of social change, defined target groups and jointly developed new product ideas for medical skin care. Our guiding principle: Merging internal interdiciplinary knowledge with the perspective of the actual users.

That's why we empower brand teams and product users alike to co-create the valuable products of the future. We believe in authentic insights, co-creation and sustainable product development.

Many thanks for the great cooperation!

Official Linkedin

Standortportrait - so arbeitet beluga

beluga gründer richard wilhelmer (links) und edwin strauss (rechts)

So arbeitet die Berliner Beratungsagentur Beluga Strategic Design

Das Team des Unternehmens besteht aus Marktstrategen, Service Designern und Marktforschern. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Glaube an einen nachhaltigen Erfolg als Bindeglied zwischen Unternehmen und Kund:innen. In diesem Standort-Porträt wirft BASIC THINKING einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Berliner Beratungsagentur.

We are hiring!

We’re seeking a creative, curious, yet organized project manager to join our team as a consualtant.  It’s an exciting time as we’re growing fast and can’t wait to welcome another provocative thinker and creative genius into our team. 

We are lucky enough to work on amazing and diverse briefs. The types of briefs that stretch you, push your thinking, develop your creativity and when it all comes together, see your work drive real innovation and business results.

We work with many etablished brands, startups and agencies; big and small.  We’re valued as real partners and collaborators in their growth journeys and are given some of their toughest challenges to crack together.  We value the relationship to our clients who are as nice, fun and interesting to work with.

The team you will be working with are an awesome collection of brilliant minds and wonderful spirits. We created an inspiring and cosy work space right at the heart of Berlin.

What we are looking for:

  • 2-3 years of experience in agencies or corporates

  • Structured, pro-active and analytic mindset

  • Confident communication (German & English) and social skills

Areas of work:

  • Planning and overseeing projects from the initial proposal through to completion. The coordination of people and processes to deliver projects on time, within budget.

  • First point of contact for our suppliers and clients

  • Stakeholder management (team & project)

  • Project planning & controlling (incl. budget & resources)

contact us via:

Beluga Office Warming

Unter dem Motto „Wahrheit & Wahnsinn gestalteten wir ein nachhaltiges Erlebnis für „Körper & Geist“.
Eine Möglichkeit zum interdisziplinären Austausch, zum Netzwerken, oder um uns gemeinsam die Zeit zu nehmen, uns einfach mal KEINE Gedanken zu machen.

With "Truth & Madness" we co-created a lasting experience for "body & mind".
An opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange, for networking, or to enjoy NOT thinking about anything.

The new way of co-creation: We proudly present tru.cmty!

tru-logo positive.png

With tru.cmty we want take co-creation to the next level. We want to live up to our vision of enabling people to co-create our future together. Therefore we launched our first instagram community ‘tru.faces’.
We are proud about the positive energy, the great commitment and the successful projects we have done so far.

Check out the profile and spread the word!

We are happy to welcome Janet on board!


Janet is multitasking, focused on the essentials, never loses sights on the details. Through her demand for stringent project organization, appreciative communication and an eye for timings, she combines important qualities for efficient project management.

For me, working at Beluga is the perfect symbiosis of strategy and creativity.
The diversity of the projects and the insight into the complexity of social thinking are extremely exciting.
I am very happy to be a part of the team.
The positive energy to bring forth innovations is truly inspiring.

In 18 years of living in Berlin, Janet has grown up with the city. 
With a colourful CV and a strong network, she loves to connect the dots in her professional and private life.

She has studied not only sociology but also fashion design and has worked as a project manager in very different areas such as fashion, interior and packaging design. Through these diverse experiences, she works in a focused way, with an eye for essentials, without losing her sense of humour - even in stressful situations. 
Apart from work she loves being in nature. Especially at the lake side she finds recreation – on a boat, fishing or also ice bathing in winter time.

Global innovation partnership with Henkel!

We’re proud to announce our global innovation partnership with Henkel and are looking forward to great projects ahead!

Photo by Alessandro Rovere

Photo by Alessandro Rovere

The Berlin-based strategy agency Beluga Strategic Design is expanding its collaboration with the consumer goods manufacturer Henkel in the area of innovation management. Beluga Strategic Design, founded in 2017 by Edwin Strauss and Richard Wilhelmer, had prevailed in an international tender for methodologies around innovative consumer co-creation and ideation and now manages the format for Henkel on a global level.

Read more:

Beluga founder Edwin Strauss reflecting 2020

A turbulent year is coming to an end that challenged societies worldwide with a new and unexpected situation. Plans at the beginning of the year burst like bubbles in the first quarter as the turbulences shook our industry.


Looking at what happened since then, I feel blessed, thankful, and proud of what we have achieved this year. The greatest ‚Thank You‘ goes to our fantastic team that managed any ups-and-downs with their incredible engagement. Their commitment was beyond imagination. Our joint effort in moving research and innovation processes successfully into the digital sphere was our decisive success factor. We were also happy to welcome three new Belugas, Catha, Zuza and Viktor, who do a tremendous job and add incredibly to our venture.
Another huge ‚Thank you‘ goes to all our clients for the trust and support by rewarding us with all these fantastic projects. I hope we were able to pay it back with great experiences and results that exceeded expectations. We can’t wait to see the fruits of our work on the shelves, mobiles and in the media in the near future.
In review, it feels like one of the most challenging years in my life, and I feel confident in saying, you always grow with your toughest challenges. #teamwork #innovation #digital #teamappreciation

Richard Wilhelmer speaking about the links between art, technology & people centric design


As humans we understand the theoretical idea of exponential growth. And yet, we have a really hard time to grasp its real impact on our own lives. Meanwhile, an exponential development called digitization has redefined our daily routines including the ways we connect and interact with each other. While this development can feel overwhelming at times, it also allows us to explore new ways of human connectedness.Together we will reflect on the idea of exponential development and how it makes us feel. Let's broaden our perspective on technology.

Richard Wilhelmer speaks about his approach towards people centric design and how it is connected to his work as an artist and filmmaker.